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Portals : Crypto Wallet Genera

About Portals : Crypto Wallet Genera
Portals is the best free private crypto wallet generator and vanity address generator

Generate unlimited bitcoin, ethereum and other cryptocurrency keys. Find public keys, private keys, wallets and other information with a click of the button.

Add the public key addresses you want to find. The generator could find the secret key, private key and portal address. Add your passwords, labels, encrypted texts or messages to your portal titles and keep them secure.

You can use this app in airplane mode no problem.

You may call this app a bitcoin widget, a bitcoin wallet, or just say it's bitcoin mining and just a bitcoin miner. Crypto news, crypto wallet and a crypto tracker has been used. It's almost definitely a blockchain wallet in some sorts.

Presently you can mine BTC, ETH, ripple and other crypto wallets.

Wallets are NOT bitcoin and this app will not generate you bitcoin. Always do your research before you transfer value coins. Read our FAQ on our website for further information.

Generate private key, crypto, wallet generator, encryption, bitcoin, ethereum, coin, mining.
Recent Updates - Version 0.0.4a
  • 0.0.4a:
    - Fix import vault bug
    - Quality improvements
    - Number input for vault pagination
    - Fix bug around import and exporting vaults

    - Minor bug fixes

    - Improved portal title flow
    - Improved wording
    - Minor bug fixes

    - Added portal titles, useful for passwords and labels
    - Added free version opening portal
    - Design enhancements

    - Bug fixes
    - Design enhancements

    - Added an info window to vault overflow
    - Design enhancements
Install On Your Mobile Device:
Google Play Store LinkApp Store Link
Install On Windows PC Or Mac:
BlueStacks LinkLDPlayer Link
How To Download & Play:
1. Download & Install AppKiwi
2. Download Portals : Crypto Wallet Genera APK
3. Launch from APK Library